SMTP – Telnet or OpenSSL

One day I was creating a SMTP client and faced some issues or poor documentation about how to simple send a e-mail using a command line tool, to be able to test the server and compare the results with my code to minify the problems. Most of the protocols like SMTP, HTTP are simple TCP… Continuar lendo SMTP – Telnet or OpenSSL

Convert OVA to VMX, change SHA256 to SHA1 and edit unsupported hardware vmx-11 to vmx-10

I was trying to run GNS3 2.2.29 in vmware esxi 5.5.0First I get a invalid SHA256. I download ovftool and converted ova (SHA256) to ova (SHA1) using the command ovftool.exe –shaAlgorithm=SHA1 ” $PATH \GNS3 VM.ova” ” $PATH \GNS3 VM_sha1.ova” After that I get a unsupported hardware vmx-11, so to edit hardware support I needed to… Continuar lendo Convert OVA to VMX, change SHA256 to SHA1 and edit unsupported hardware vmx-11 to vmx-10