BrByte Framework | brb_framework

brb_framework is a Framework of BrByte, written in C, containing the libraries and codes used by the company in the distribution of BrbOS (, a release based on FreeBSD. For now we are publishing the libbrb_core. The main library is the libbrb_core. That contains an abstraction for an event-oriented base, using kqueue ( Github:

Change timestamp format for history command on csh

The first word indicates the number of history events to save. The optional second word (+) indicates the format in which history is printed; if not given, %h\t%T\t%R\n is used. The format sequences are described below under prompt; note the variable meaning of %R. Set to 100 by default.  

Categorizado como Dicas, FreeBSD

Unbound – SHM

Gostaria primeiramente de agradecer a todos os clientes que acreditam e acreditaram em nós da BrByte. O que começou como um projeto pequeno, apenas para ajudar os provedores com resolução de DNS, esta cada vez mais crescendo. E por isso eu sou muito grato. Recentemente fizemos ajustes, devido a demanda de alguns clientes, para que… Continuar lendo Unbound – SHM

Categorizado como FreeBSD, Linux

Huawei as SMS gateway on FreeBSD

Have you tried to send SMS using U3G modens? In this topic I will show a example how to send SMS using U3G modens in FreeBSD.

Categorizado como FreeBSD

FreeBSD: migrar pkg_tools para pkg

As you can read on FreeBSD Wiki: Pkg is the Next Generation package management tool for FreeBSD. It is the replacement for the current pkg_info/pkg_create/pkg_add tools that ports use to register local packages and which provide remote packages. Its main goals are to faciliate remote binary package upgrades. It also works with ports without remote… Continuar lendo FreeBSD: migrar pkg_tools para pkg

Categorizado como FreeBSD